Thursday, 21 February 2013

Ignorance - wonderful

our small mind ! it is so wonderful .. we travel anywhere and everywhere through our mind .. we roam .. we enjoy .. we feel every emotions ... such a powerful thing!! but there are something which our mind cannot comprehend .. we fear those things we cannot understand .. man is very rational .. he needs answer for every question and where he cannot get any answer , he feels restless, fearful ...but human beings are very intelligent !! they created god! god who has answer for each and every question ... who is the reason for our existence ... 
but do u think that problem ended here ?? if it would have ended , science would have ceased to exist !! no more experiments and logical deductions ... but it did not stop to exist .... does it mean that scientists and also we people are trying hard to root out the concept of god ?? or that are they trying to validate that there is god ??  ,i.e. , converging science and god !!!!
I leave it up-to you which view you want to take .. 
I just ask a simple question that why do I question ? or why do you ? or why do any human being ? why are we here ? what are we doing ? do we really need to do anything ? is it a dream ? is it really happening ? what are the reasons for the present  ? is there actually any present and future concept ? who are we ? .. and all such basic questions ?? I think that in my life time at least I will not be able to find these answers ... I believe that these are the ultimate truths which any one seeks to know .. that is the reason for our existence .. to get to know these answers ... as long as we don't know them , we will continue .. on this planet .. 
then what can happen when we actually know all the answers ?? when we will have a full picture with every dot connected !!! we will be left with nothing to do ... because whatever we have  done  , we did to get the desired outcome .. but now when we know the ultimate outcome and we are been justified .. we would not show interest in that task .. and this will spread .. ultimately the whole human race will be wiped out ... without any sorrow or happiness......please remember I am assuming that every one knows everything .. everyone is enlightened . 
hence in that case , there remains no reason for existence .. but we want to exist .. live forever ...
so the conclusion that comes out is Ignorance Is Bliss .. isn't it ??... 
for going on through the day to day life , we need some ignorance .. some irrationality is fine .. at least it is comfortable .. and we knowingly wish that we should have a "not long " memory and we believe in god , we put all irrationality and take a rational conclusion based on that .. upon God ... 
history is filled with examples how belief system has helped us in living a life for last 1 lakh years and it will be a fun to see how it will lead us further in the race , shaping our belief and rationality ...